Saturday, December 10, 2005

Goal Directed Project Management training is revealing

Every management consultant knows that conducting trainings are a helpful way to gain more insight in the workings of an organization. Problems are discussed, ideas are put forward and collaboration during case studies reveal a lot about the people and the business.

The interesting thing about case studies is that the application of new management ideas does not necessarily seem to be the problem. What does seem to be the challenge is to apply these changes in the workplace. Employees often have given up hope of getting any positive reaction from management, if any reaction at all, or dont think it will be worthwhile to event try. Why is this ?

In any case, many companies will have to change the way they operate. If they don't, then companies from Trinidad & Tobago will do it for them. Foreign companies will flood the Surinamese market with cheaper and better products and services. In the meantime, top management of most Surinamese companies will still be discussing the need for conducting more research. The time to act has come now. It is time to IMPLEMENT changes. It is do or die. NOW.

Goal Directed Project Management is s powerful tool to assist in achieving any type of change / project. Feel free to call us on +597 441371 or feel free to visit us on Posted by Picasa

Goal Directed Project Management in Suriname

Goal Directed Project Management (GDPM) is a professional and results-driven project management method.

Since 1996 I have trained more than 200 people in the principles of GDPM. The degree to which the implementation of this tools has had success in organizations, depended largely on the discipline and on the scale on which it was used.

The method is powerful and will get a good return-on-investment if, and only if, the organization realizes that the implementation has to be handled as a project in intself. Introduce GDPM to the company and do this high-profile, so that it catches the attention of all management and employees. Communicate clearly what it will do, how we will do it and when we will do it. Posted by Picasa